title: "Step by Step"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Step by Step}
chunk_output_type: console
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
Building an ERD is easy with `ERDbuilder` with the workflow presented in this vignette. In short, the steps are:
1. Display all entities
2. Define relationships
3. Specify key attributes
4. Define entity relationships
5. Adjust parameters
This vignette shows how to build an entity relationship diagram (ERD) step by step. The example includes five different entities.
## Define data
Hypothetical course data in a college.
```{r setup, eval = TRUE, message=FALSE}
# Load Packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# Define entities ---------------------------------------------------------
students_tbl <- data.frame(
st_id = c("hu1", "de2", "lo3"),
dep_id = c("water", "evil", "values"),
student = c("Huey", "Dewey", "Louie"),
email = c("hubert.duck", "dewfort.duck", "llewellyn.duck"),
dob = c("04-15", "04-15", "04-15")
courses_tbl <- data.frame(
crs_id = c("water101", "evil205", "water202"),
fac_id = c("02do", "03pe", "04mi"),
dep_id = c("water", "evil", "water"),
course = c("Swimming", "Human-chasing", "Dives")
enrollment_tbl <- data.frame(
crs_id = c("water101", "evil205", "evil205", "water202"),
st_id = c("hu1", "hu1", "de2", "de2"),
final_grade = c("B", "A", "A", "F")
department_tbl <- data.frame(
dep_id = c("water", "evil", "values"),
department = c("Water activities", "Evil procurement", "Good values")
faculty_tbl <- data.frame(
faculty_name = c("Scrooge McDuck", "Donald", "Pete", "Mickey"),
title = c("Emeritus", "Full", "Assistant", "Full"),
fac_id = c("01sc", "02do", "03pe", "04mi"),
dep_id = c("water", "water", "evil", "values")
my_gt <- function(df) {
df |>
gt() |>
style = cell_fill(color = "darkolivegreen1"),
locations = cells_column_labels()
## Desired ERD
The following code is what we would like to end up with.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(crs_id = "crs_id", relationship = c("||", "|<")),
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||")),
faculty = list(fac_id = "fac_id", relationship = c(">0", "||"))
enrollment = list(
students = list(st_id = "st_id", relationship = c(">0", "||")
students = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
faculty = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
## Create ERD object
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
## Render ERD
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
## Step 1: Display all entities
The first step is to print the nodes with the entities' attributes, even if they are not yet connected. Observe that the relationship list is empty.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships
relationships <- list()
## Create ERD object
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
## Render ERD
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
## Step 2: Define relationships
In this step, the relationship between entities is established, although the nature of the relationships is not yet specified.
There are two attempts to establish the relationships; the first is discarded since the graph is too wide. The second attempt solves this by changing the order in which the relationships were specified. The vignette "Order of Entities" provides more details on how to tune the relationships.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships: ugly attempt
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(),
department = list(),
faculty = list()
enrollment = list(
students = list()
students = list(
department = list()
department = list(
faculty = list()
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
# 2. Define Relationships: improved example
## Define relationships
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(),
department = list(),
faculty = list()
enrollment = list(
students = list()
students = list(
department = list()
faculty = list(
department = list()
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
## Step 3: Highlight key attributes
Specify the keys that allow joining tables. This will change the font of those attributes to bold and put them on top pf the node table.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(crs_id = "crs_id", relationship = c("", "")),
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c("", "")),
faculty = list(fac_id = "fac_id", relationship = c("", ""))
enrollment = list(
students = list(st_id = "st_id", relationship = c("", "")
students = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c("", ""))
faculty = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c("", ""))
## Create ERD object
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
## Render ERD
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
## Step 4: Define entity relationships
Then, add the nature of the relationships following the nomenclature table.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(crs_id = "crs_id", relationship = c("||", "|<")),
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||")),
faculty = list(fac_id = "fac_id", relationship = c(">0", "||"))
enrollment = list(
students = list(st_id = "st_id", relationship = c(">0", "||")
students = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
faculty = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
## Create ERD object
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
## Render ERD
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 0, label_angle = 15, n = 20)
## Step 5: Adjust parameters
Specify the symbol distance to the edge with `label_distance`, the angle at which the edge labels are displayed with `label_angle`, and the maximum number of rows in each node table with `n`. The latter is particularly important when one of the tables has many attributes.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
## Define relationships
relationships <- list(
courses = list(
enrollment = list(crs_id = "crs_id", relationship = c("||", "|<")),
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||")),
faculty = list(fac_id = "fac_id", relationship = c(">0", "||"))
enrollment = list(
students = list(st_id = "st_id", relationship = c(">0", "||")
students = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
faculty = list(
department = list(dep_id = "dep_id", relationship = c(">|", "||"))
## Create ERD object
erd_object <-
students = students_tbl,
courses = courses_tbl,
enrollment = enrollment_tbl,
department = department_tbl,
faculty = faculty_tbl
## Render ERD
render_erd(erd_object, label_distance = 2, label_angle = 50, n = 2)